Implant dentistry is an area of specialty for Shant Terteryan, DDS, and the team at Dental Blvd in Mission Hills, California. The best way to explore dental implants is to schedule a face-to-face visit. To determine appointment availability, reach out to the office by phone, or spend a few moments on the online scheduling tool.
Missing teeth can certainly make you feel less confident about your appearance, but there are also serious dental health ramifications when you lose one or more of your natural teeth.
Each of your teeth anchors into the underlying bone tissue. When you bite down or chew food, you stimulate that tissue, which is important in keeping it healthy and strong. Losing a tooth means losing that stimulation, and the bone can slowly begin to erode.
That can lead to additional tooth loss as the connection between adjacent teeth and bone weakens. Missing teeth also impact your ability to eat and speak normally. Dental implants offer a solution that restores your smile while also preserving bone health.
Dental implants offer the chance to permanently replace one or more missing teeth. Individual implants consist of a metal post that replaces the root portion and an artificial crown that replaces the visible portion of the tooth. Some systems use a small connector to secure the crown to the post.
There are also dental implant systems that secure an entire upper or lower arch of artificial teeth using just a few implanted posts, making it a great alternative to a full set of dentures.
While dental implants are more expensive than bridges or dentures, they are designed to last a lifetime. When considering cost, be sure to factor in the expense of replacing bridgework or dentures over time.
On the first day of the procedure, your dentist administers numbing medication to eliminate sensation in the treatment area. Various types of sedation might also be available to help you relax during your visit.
Next, your dentist creates an incision in your gums to access your jaw. Drilling a small pilot hole guides the post into proper position before the gums are carefully closed around the post. A period of healing follows, allowing your bone tissue to fuse to the post material.
When you return, your dentist secures your custom-crafted crown to the post. Your new smile is ready to share by the end of this visit.
If you’d like to explore dental implants in greater detail, booking a visit is as simple as a phone call or a few moments online.